Monday, March 28, 2011

Metamorphosis For Spring

Well, spring time has offcially begun, and it's been so warm, so I've given up wearing coats.  I was wearing a vintage Vivienne Westwood sweater and Hollister cargo pants.  That was sufficient!  In fact, I was sweating a bit.
But, I cannot let myself down just because it's gotten warm.  Therefore, I decided to go shopping for something "spring" like for 2 good reasons.  First, I just got payed.  Secondly, I should enjoy spring though it isn't my favorite season.

I was resting in a shopping mall, observing people, and thinking what things to buy.  After sitting there for about 10 minutes, I saw a young lady wearing a shirt with flower print and a metal necklace.  Then I thought that outfit was properly spring!
I was all over the mall searching for flowery shirts and metal necklaces.  Again, I was facing the same kind of diremma.  I wasn't able to find anything in reasonable price range, and I couldn't afford the things I liked.  I spent nearly 2 hours for nothing.  I headed for some shops in town with a little hope.
Finally, I found a shirt I liked at a thrift store.

I fell in love with this shirt.  It is a western shirt which tag is read " Ely Cattleman."  Not sure how old it is, but it is a nice vintage shirt.  The color is lovely, and it is very flowery!  I was very much satisfied with this purchase.
I couldn't find nice matal necklaces, yet I found those.

6 flowery ties that are very suited for spring!  Ties were not something I'd had on my mind originally, but they'd work.
Now, I must go home and try everything I found today.  I'm really excited, and I believe I can enjoy spring time!!

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